CARNIVAL EVENT!!! STEP RIGHT UP! Come one, come all, the party will be grand! It’s an olde time carnival, and the ticket’s in your hand! It is going to be a fun night so come out even for just a half hour OR stay the whole evening and support the […]
CARNIVAL EVENT!!! STEP RIGHT UP! Come one, come all, the party will be grand! It’s an olde time carnival, and the ticket’s in your hand! It is going to be a fun night so come out even for just a half hour OR stay the whole evening and […]
Fundraiser for Rainbow Community Space!
The Waterloo Region Rainbow Coalition (WRRC) is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of a first for our area… the Rainbow Community Space! A friendly and welcoming space for all members of the LGBTQ community, their friends and allies! Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 42 Erb St. […]
GRAND OPENING of the Rainbow Community Space!
The Waterloo Region Rainbow Coalition (WRRC) is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of a first for our area… the Rainbow Community Space! A friendly and welcoming space for all members of the LGBTQ community, their friends and allies! Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 42 […]
GRAND OPENING of the Rainbow Community Space!
Present: Jeremy, Ali, Jim, Karen, Deardra, Vanessa, Heather, Thomas, Bruce, Mike. Regrets: Sue 1) Creating Facilitator Position on the Board of Directors – A decision was made to bring a “Speaker position” to the board. This would be a non-voting position, unless there is a tie amongst voting members. […]
Minutes July 10, 2012
Present: Jeremy, Ali, Jim, Karen, Deardra, Vanessa, Heather, Thomas, Bruce, Mike. Regrets: Sue 1) Creating Facilitator Position on the Board of Directors – A decision was made to bring a “Speaker position” to the board. This would be a non-voting position, unless there is a tie amongst voting members. […]
Minutes July 10, 2012
Meeting began at 7:15pm Present: Ali, Bruce, Heather, Jeremy, Jim, Mike, Sue Regrets: Deardra, Karen, Julie, Raegan 1) Roundtable updates – Jeremy presented a certificate from the office of Peter Braid congratulating WRRC on its contributions to making ours a more inclusive community. – Sue confirmed that our proposal […]
Minutes June 26, 2012
Meeting began at 7:15pm Present: Ali, Bruce, Heather, Jeremy, Jim, Mike, Sue Regrets: Deardra, Karen, Julie, Raegan 1) Roundtable updates – Jeremy presented a certificate from the office of Peter Braid congratulating WRRC on its contributions to making ours a more inclusive community. – Sue confirmed that our proposal […]
Minutes June 26, 2012
Meeting began at 7:10PM Present: Ali, Colin, Dana, Deardra, Jeremy, Julie, Jim, Karen, Sue, Vanessa Regrets: Heather, Mike 1. Approve Agenda – Approved by consensus 2. Approve Minutes – Approved by consensus 3. Debrief tri-Pride – The day was very busy and there was […]
Minutes June 12, 2012
Meeting began at 7:10PM Present: Ali, Colin, Dana, Deardra, Jeremy, Julie, Jim, Karen, Sue, Vanessa Regrets: Heather, Mike 1. Approve Agenda – Approved by consensus 2. Approve Minutes – Approved by consensus 3. Debrief tri-Pride – The day was very busy and there was […]