CARNIVAL EVENT!!! STEP RIGHT UP! Come one, come all, the party will be grand! It’s an olde time carnival, and the ticket’s in your hand! It is going to be a fun night so come out even for just a half hour OR stay the whole evening and support the […]
Waterloo Region Rainbow Coalition
CARNIVAL EVENT!!! STEP RIGHT UP! Come one, come all, the party will be grand! It’s an olde time carnival, and the ticket’s in your hand! It is going to be a fun night so come out even for just a half hour OR stay the whole evening and […]
Fundraiser for Rainbow Community Space!
The Waterloo Region Rainbow Coalition (WRRC) is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of a first for our area… the Rainbow Community Space! A friendly and welcoming space for all members of the LGBTQ community, their friends and allies! Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 42 Erb St. […]
GRAND OPENING of the Rainbow Community Space!
The Waterloo Region Rainbow Coalition (WRRC) is pleased to announce the GRAND OPENING of a first for our area… the Rainbow Community Space! A friendly and welcoming space for all members of the LGBTQ community, their friends and allies! Sunday, September 30, 2012 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 42 […]
GRAND OPENING of the Rainbow Community Space!
Present: Jeremy, Ali, Jim, Karen, Deardra, Vanessa, Heather, Thomas, Bruce, Mike. Regrets: Sue 1) Creating Facilitator Position on the Board of Directors – A decision was made to bring a “Speaker position” to the board. This would be a non-voting position, unless there is a tie amongst voting members. […]
Minutes July 10, 2012
Present: Jeremy, Ali, Jim, Karen, Deardra, Vanessa, Heather, Thomas, Bruce, Mike. Regrets: Sue 1) Creating Facilitator Position on the Board of Directors – A decision was made to bring a “Speaker position” to the board. This would be a non-voting position, unless there is a tie amongst voting members. […]
Minutes July 10, 2012
Meeting began at 7:15pm Present: Ali, Bruce, Heather, Jeremy, Jim, Mike, Sue Regrets: Deardra, Karen, Julie, Raegan 1) Roundtable updates – Jeremy presented a certificate from the office of Peter Braid congratulating WRRC on its contributions to making ours a more inclusive community. – Sue confirmed that our proposal […]
Minutes June 26, 2012
Meeting began at 7:15pm Present: Ali, Bruce, Heather, Jeremy, Jim, Mike, Sue Regrets: Deardra, Karen, Julie, Raegan 1) Roundtable updates – Jeremy presented a certificate from the office of Peter Braid congratulating WRRC on its contributions to making ours a more inclusive community. – Sue confirmed that our proposal […]
Minutes June 26, 2012
Meeting began at 7:10PM Present: Ali, Colin, Dana, Deardra, Jeremy, Julie, Jim, Karen, Sue, Vanessa Regrets: Heather, Mike 1. Approve Agenda – Approved by consensus 2. Approve Minutes – Approved by consensus 3. Debrief tri-Pride – The day was very busy and there was […]
Minutes June 12, 2012
Meeting began at 7:10PM Present: Ali, Colin, Dana, Deardra, Jeremy, Julie, Jim, Karen, Sue, Vanessa Regrets: Heather, Mike 1. Approve Agenda – Approved by consensus 2. Approve Minutes – Approved by consensus 3. Debrief tri-Pride – The day was very busy and there was […]